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Research Data Management for Doctoral Researchers

Start: End: Location: Zoom
Event type:
  • Vergangene Veranstaltungen
During a PhD proj­ect, a lot of re­search data accumulates and it is im­por­tant to keep track of all these measurements, texts, spread sheets, images, videos and audio files. Research data management helps organizing your data and structuring your PhD proj­ect in a way that you can quickly find the data and ensure the data availability in a comprehensible way for writing your dissertation.

These strategies taught in the workshop will result in an overall concept and we will explain how to outline them in a data management plan. This data management plan will help to keep track of your data management and the progress within the doctoral proj­ect to achieve efficiently your doctoral goal.

  • Target group: Doctoral researchers of TU Dortmund University
  • Participants: max. 15
  • Language: English

Further information and registration